disjoint labs

An A.I. Research Startup

From culture to cloud and every commit in between we empower individuals and the ​organizations they belong to with tools that assist in navigating uncertainty.

-- Derek W.​

Isometric Geometric 3d Objects And Lines
Isometric Geometric 3d Objects And Lines
Isometric Geometric 3d Objects And Lines

featured pr​oducts

third degree




Applied Research focus:

Utilizing hypergraphs as the cornerstone for ​developing simple solutions that have a ​profound impact on how organizations navigate ​risk and uncertainty caused by the increased ​complexity of modern software supply chains.

Current product development:

  • THIRD DEGREE: An A.I. Risk Auditor & ​Educator that makes the complexities of ​Uncertainty Analysis and Risk Management of ​your Software Supply Chain simpler through ​unsupervised data analysis paired with ​anonymous feedback and inquiry.

  • HYPERCHART: With the use of LLMs, THIRD ​DEGREE generates actionable reports. Each ​hyperchart dashboard is tailored for an ​individual’s role(s) and team(s), aiding ​them in navigating the complexities of your ​software supply chain and providing ​insights for better decision making at ​every level of your organization.

  • TOPODEX: A hypergraph database and ​analytical engine.
Isometric Geometric 3d Objects And Lines